Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bum Genius (by CottonBabies) you are my hero!

We've been successfully cloth diapering the twins for a couple weeks now. Except at night. We have two heavy wetters, who end up leaking no matter what types of measures we take with prefold diapers and covers. They end up waking early, soaked in urine, cranky, and I have an extra load of laundry to clean. Fun? I think not. So until last night, we had been using disposables at night, if only to save their sheets and a couple of outfits.

Yesterday I was checking my mail, and my order of 2 Bum Genius Deluxe 3.0 All-in-one diapers (Cotton Babies) came. I immediately loved how soft the interior was and got it thrown into the washer. I had also ordered 12 microfiber diaper doublers which also got thrown in. I was very excited to try them out!

Late afternoon, I added a doubler into the pocket on the diaper, because I wasn't entirely convinced the diaper would hold 12 ounces of fluid (a full can of soda!). When the boys woke up after sleeping 10 hours, they were dry as a bone. I was amazed! Finally, we have a night time diaper. Not only were they dry on the outside, the interior of the diaper felt dry to the touch, much like a disposable. Just yet another great perk!

I honestly can't say anything but good things about the Bum Genius, and I wish I had gone that route from the start! It's the easiest form of a cloth diaper, but with greater convenience comes a higher price tag. I am expecting two more in the mail very soon, fortunately I ordered a size up, because they won't be fitting in these ones much longer.

The reason I ordered them in the first place is all the amazing deals you can find through the retailers at I used online coupon codes to get 2 free Bum Genius 3.0 All-in-one diapers. Really can't go wrong with free! All I had to do was buy $10 worth of accessories. Which I needed. Deals like this one don't pop up every day, but if you follow them on Facebook or on Twitter, they publish them when they become available. I love how much technology can save you some money, and keep you up to date with advances in cloth diapering.

I was reading a story earlier this morning about Pampers and their recent string of issues. Here's a wonderful fact-based article on Cloth vs Disposable diapering. I found it very informative and learned a lot that I was unaware of!

Cloth Diaper Report Pampers Article

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