Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Twin Mom Brain, and an update

Ok, so keeping up with this thing (and remembering to post!) has been difficult. With the weather getting nicer, and being out of my home a lot, I don't seem to have the time. I do enjoy blogging, because I can express my viewpoints freely without backlash from stubborn people threatened by "change". I'm just plagued by a chronic case of "twin mom brain". Forgive me, I'm ill.

I have discovered I truly love cloth diapering my boys. We've been successfully cloth diapering them full time for a month and a half. We've found our preferences, and products to make cloth diapering easy. It doesn't hurt that I have a supportive husband who learned to cloth with me. He even rinses the "mess" off them when necessary. I do love that man.

I should do a role-call of my stash. I have been slowly acquiring cloth diapers from multiple online boutiques, shops and even Target. It's about time I made a list :-)

3 Thirsties Size 2 Duo Wraps- Aplix closure
1 Thirsties Size 2 Duo Wrap- Snap closure
4 Bummis Medium Super Whisper Wraps
1 Bummis Small Super Whisper Wrap
2 Kushies Taffeta Wraps (for when I run out of my clean "good wraps")
1 dozen Green Mountain Diapers two-sided wipes
1 dozen wipes I cut from an old receiving blanket
1 Tweedle Bugs One Size Pocket Diaper
2 dozen BumGenius! Stay Dry Diaper Doublers
4 BumGenius! 3.0 AIO-Large
2 Bum Genius 3.0 AIO- Medium
2 dozen Gerber Prefold Diapers
1 dozen Gerber birdseye flat fold diapers
5 Green Mountain Diapers Preemie Prefolds (used as diaper doublers)
6 Snappi fasteners
1 Planet Wise Diaper Pail liner in Seaspray (I LOVE this color and pail liner)

Have had/used:
Imse Vimse Flushable Diaper liners
Bummis Biosoft flushable diaper liners
Baby Bits Wipes Solution bits (purchased from Mom's Milk Boutique)

Waiting on:
 Shinies Pocket Diaper

So, my list is finally in front of me. I thought I had more, but I guess that I don't. It must be all the bulk of 2 dozen prefolds and the diaper doublers! I would like to get some more pocket diapers though, I really like the stay dry effect of fleece and suede cloth. Don't get me wrong, I love my Thirsties and my Bummis, but I would love to have some pre- stuffed pocket dipes for easy changes when the babies are fussy. My BumGenius AIO's are currently an overnight diaper only. They work wonderfully, and if I could afford it, I would use them exclusively just for how convenient they are and how well they work. I'm also looking into supporting WAHMs (work at home moms) by buying hand made dipes on Etsy. Haven't found one I love yet though, I continue my search.

And with that note, this post has taken me 2 hours with the interruptions I face. It is time for this tired mama to go to BED.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Soleil 100 Days Sweeps

Soleil 100 Days: "There are thousands of fun, sharable prizes in the BIC® Soleil® 100 Days of Sunshine promotion. Join now!"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Long weekend! Now to get back to blogging....

This weekend started out with lots of promise and the excitement of an extra day to sleep in, however Saturday one of my sons spiked a fever of 102 and we had a trip to the emergency room, due to his not eating and high fever. Poor little guy has an ear infection, and is still a little miserable from the weekend.  He got better enough yesterday for us to head to a Memorial Day Parade, and to the beach for a little bit. Both of my boys had their first play time in the sand, and both tried to eat it. So, that part of the trip was a slight failure. The weekend was long, and mostly uneventful. There were a few scary poop blow outs, but I guess that's what I get for having all of my cloth diapers in the wash!

 Today, after a couple of days of no mail, I open the mailbox and my face lights up like a 5 year old opening birthday presents. I love getting my orders online like the one today from Mom's Milk Boutique, where I got 2 rolls of diaper liners by Bummis. I was so excited they were here, I was about to run out of the ones I'd been using before, the Imse Vimse brand. I feel like a kid diving face first into an awesome birthday cake. That was the best thing in the mailbox. I also received my samples of the new Pantene from Vocalpoint. If you aren't a member of Vocalpoint, I highly recommend it. You get all sorts of free samples, coupons, and sometimes even free full sized products just for being a member. You can't beat a free membership either!

I am a junkie for free products, especially for useful ones. I like free samples of many products as well- lately I have gotten travel-sized bottles of shampoo, body wash, conditioner, and little bars of soap. I shouldn't have to buy anything for traveling any time soon!

After this weekend though, I am still a little tired. If only it had been a whole week.